New publications from Metrology for MRgRT:

  1. Generation of synthetic CT data using patient specific daily MR image data and image registration – Krauss et al.(
  2. Radiation dosimetry in magnetic fields with Farmer-type ionization chambers: determination of magnetic field correction factors for different magnetic field strengths and field orientations – Spindeldreyer et al. (
  3. First patients treated with a 1.5 T MRI-Linac: clinical proof of concept of a high-precision, highfield
    MRI guided radiotherapy treatment. – Raaymakers, BW, et al. (
  4. Characterization of a prototype MR-compatible Delta4 QA-system in a 1.5 Tesla MR-Linac – de Vries, JHW, et al(
  5. Performance of a PTW 60019 microDiamond detector in a 1.5 T MRI-linac. – Woodings, SJ, et al. ( )